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Episode 1: Supporting the move to online learning: Best practices from the University of Mary Washington
In this episode Rosemary Arneson, University Librarian at the University of Mary Washington, shares her experience of using Leganto to support the move to online learning.
Universities around the world are adapting quickly to the “new normal”, shifting their focus to online learning. Libraries have long offered remote access to content, however, supporting remote learning at scale presents new challenges.
Bob Banerjee – Director of Marketing, Ex Libris
Rosemary Arneson – University Librarian, University of Mary Washington
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Episode 2: The Intelligent Library: How will advanced intelligence impact library systems over the next decade?
In an engaging and moderator-guided Q&A, a panel of library visionaries will present their views on the long-term needs of academic libraries and will examine how advances in research in intelligent systems could affect the institution over the coming decade. While ten years might seem like an eternity for some, for others it is normal to have both two and five-year plans, as well as speculations about possible needs in ten years.
Bob Banerjee – Director of Marketing, Ex Libris
Allen Jones – Director, Digital Library and Technical Services, The New School
Dr. Greg Davis – Assistant Director for Assessment and Planning, Iowa State University Library
Mehmet Celik – Technical Architect at KULeuven/LIBIS
Josh Weisman – VP Development, Ex Libris
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Episode 3: Reasons Libraries are Expanding to Influence Academic Research
As academic library visionaries plan for an increasingly impactful role, this episode reviews the fundamental drivers and examines ways in which they are uniquely positioned to improve the research outcomes of research faculty in collaboration with the Office of Research. They will also cover ways to objectively measure the impact, in order to further justify increased investment and highlight the true value of the library to the overall institution.
Jessica Clemons – Research Solutions Expert, Ex Libris
Amy Kautzman – Dean and Director, University Library, Sacramento State
Tracy Elliott – Dean, Florida Gulf Coast University Library
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Episode 4: The Impact of Remote Learning
A panel of distinguished leaders, from different fields within their academic library space, will discuss the impact of recent events on their institutions, and the measures they took in anticipation of a world with an increasing number of remote learners. They will go on to discuss initiatives they are putting in place now to optimize the distance learning model, of which they play a critical part, and the likely consequences for the future.
Bob Banerjee – Director of Marketing, Ex Libris
Danuta Nitecki – Dean of Libraries and Professor, College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University
Elijah Scott – Executive Director, Florida Academic Library Services Cooperative
Dennis Swanson – Dean, Livermore Library, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Timothy Jackson – Resource Sharing and Fulfillment Program Manager, SUNY Shared Library Services
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Episode 5: The Grand Reopening- How Libraries are Preparing for the Fall
A panel discusses the measures being taken by academic libraries in preparation for the return of students to the physical campus. Topics include the physical facility, e-resource collection development, sharing through ILL, staffing, workflows and ensuring that the libraries assets match the needs of in-person and online classes. While the issues are complex and the situation constantly evolving, the panel will present guidelines based on their experience with disaster recovery and having already transformed their libraries to support remote teaching and learning.
Bob Banerjee – Director of Marketing, Ex Libris
Julie Todero – Dean, Library Services, Austin Community College
Gregg Kimball – Director of Public Services and Outreach, Library of Virginia
Kathy Coleman – Interlibrary Services Coordinator, Kansas State University Libraries
Michael Levine-Clark – Dean of Libraries, University of Denver Libraries
Allen Jones – Digital Library and Technical Services, The New School Libraries and Archives
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Episode 6: Drexel University Library Plans for Reopening
In this one on one interview with Danuta Nitecki, Dean of Libraries and Professor at Drexel University, we will be discussing the challenges of reopening on-site library services. In this episode recorded in July, Danuta will cover initial ideas and strategies for reopening a university library, strategies around e-resources, how they were prepared for the emergency transition and much more!
Bob Banerjee – Director of Marketing, Ex Libris
Danuta Nitecki – Dean of Libraries and Professor, College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University
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Episode 7: Planning for reopening on-campus library activities and services at Millersville University
In this episode Milersville University’s Krista Higham discusses her short and long-term plans for how to open the library and sustain services in the Fall 2020 semester and beyond. With a special focus on her role in resource sharing and inter-library loans, she explains how remote teaching and learning has affected everything from re-balancing collections to professional and from copyright to communications.
Bob Banerjee – Director of Marketing, Ex Libris
Krista Higham – Access Services Librarian, Milersville University
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Episode 8: How Academic Libraries are Shifting to Support Online & Affordable Learning Initiatives
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to highlight the critical role of OER efforts, we will explore how Leganto is helping institutions put OER firmly into the hands of students via the learning management system.
This moderated panel of experienced librarians and OER specialists will explore the key topics associated with the rapid move and continued support of online learning by the library, as well as its proactive role in further affordable learning.
Jessie Ransom – Teaching & Learning Product Specialist, Ex Libris
Kelly Ann Sam – Library Services Specialist, California State University San Marcos
Lauren Magnuson – Head of Collections, Delivery and Access, California State University San Marcos
Greg Argo – University of St. Thomas; John Lassiter, Georgia Northwestern Technical College
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Episode 9: Resource Sharing Across SUNY: Pre and Post-Pandemic
Timothy Jackson, Resource Sharing and Fulfilment Program Manager, SUNY Library Shared Services, discusses how members of the very diverse and geographically dispersed set of institutions collaborate on resource sharing, including future potential joint opportunities. He explains in detail, the migration from individual, stand-alone Ex Libris Aleph systems to the cloud-based Ex Libris Alma library management system and key consequences of that move.
Bob Banerjee – Director of Marketing, Ex Libris
Timothy Jackson – Resource Sharing and Fulfilment Program Manager, SUNY Library Shared Services
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Episode 10: Born from Chaos: Interlibrary Loan in Uncertain Times
With many libraries closed or in different phases of reopening, interlibrary loan has become more important than ever in order to continue and provide library resources to students and faculty. Today’s podcast will be covering stories from RapidILL customers, a summary of the RapidILL COVID-19 Pod, and resource sharing tips from our panel.
Bob Banerjee – Director of Marketing, Ex Libris
Gail Williams – Senior Library Information Specialist, University of Missouri
Sarah McHone – Chase Head of User Services, Northern Illinois University
Erika McNeil – Head of Interlibrary Services, University of Connecticut
Mike Richins – Director Product Management – RapidILL, Ex Libris
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Episode 11: University research is like a moonshot. Here’s how institutions can reduce drag.
Research is at the core of higher education institutions’ success. To better understand how institutions are meeting the challenges of today’s research environment, we sat down with Dr. Martin Kirk, director of research operations for King’s College London. Dr. Kirk compares the task of leading world-class university research to launching a spacecraft to the moon.
Dani Guzman – Director of Product Marketing, Ex Libris
Dr. Martin Kirk – Director of Research Operations, King’s College London
Dennis Pierce – Independent Writer
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Episode 12: UNLV: Collaboration Between the Library and the Research Office Pays Off
Dr. Mary Croughan, previously Vice President for Research and Economic Development, University of Nevada, Las Vegas , scouted the campus and the surrounding neighborhoods to see if the environment would be a good fit for her. What sold her on coming to UNLV was discovering that the library played a key role in the research process. “When I walked into the library and saw they had research consultation rooms right on the first floor, that to me was concrete evidence the library was involved in supporting university research,” she recalls. Join her in this podcast as she recalls the experience.
Dani Guzman – Director of Product Marketing, Ex Libris
Dr. Mary Croughan – previously Vice President for Research and Economic Development, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Maggie Farrell – Dean of University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Episode 13: Propelling Open-Access Publishing at UCL: An Interview with Paul Ayris
Academic libraries play a key role in supporting a university’s research, and their involvement can amplify the work of researchers significantly. University College London (UCL) is a fitting example. The UCL Library Services team is driving open-access publishing across the institution in ways that are raising the visibility of research output. We spoke with Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost (UCL Library Services), for an inside view.
Dani Guzman – Director of Product Marketing, Ex Libris
Paul Ayris – Pro-Vice-Provost for Library Services, University College London
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Episode 14: Increasing the Competitiveness of the Research Enterprise in Comprehensive Institutions
The California State University is a public university system with 23 campuses enrolling almost 500,000 students and is the largest four-year public university system in the United States. In this Inside Higher Ed panel discussion, Dr. Sara Branch, Research Solutions Specialist at Ex Libris, is joined by three chief research officers from the CSU system: Dr. Mohamed Abousalem, Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI) and President of the Board of Directors at San José State University, Dr. Yvonne Harris, Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Economic Development at California State University at Sacramento, Dr. Elizabeth A. Lowham, Interim Dean of Graduate Education at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.
Drawing on their diverse backgrounds and previous experiences, they discuss what it means for a comprehensive institution to build, sustain, and grow a competitive research and innovation enterprise, the challenges to doing so, and how they are doing it on their campuses.
Dr. Sara Branch – Research Solutions Specialist, Ex Libris
Dr. Mohamed Abousalem – Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI) and President of the Board of Directors, San Jose State University
Dr. Yvonne Harris – Associate Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Economic Development, California State University at Sacramento
Dr. Elizabeth A. Lowham – Interim Dean of Graduate Education at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Episode 15: Maximizing Funding Opportunities with Efficient Communication Strategies
Research development offices are continuously being tasked to do more with less resources. In this podcast, Eddie Neuwirth, Senior Director of Product Management, Research Solutions at Ex Libris is joined by Ryan Champagne, Assistant Director for Research Development at the University of Pittsburgh. They discuss how forming simple communication strategies and leveraging tools of a funding discovery service can enable a small office or one-person department to scale their efforts to proactively promote and efficiently share information about funding opportunities across a large (or small) institution.
Real-world examples from multiple institutions are provided with ideas for how to deliver targeted communications to specific groups that maximize exposure to the most relevant funding opportunities for their research interests and, in turn, increase proposal activity.
Discover how to broaden the scope and scale of your funding communications capabilities, while actually lessening your workload!
Eddie Neuwirth – Senior Director of Product Management, Research Solutions, Ex Libris
Ryan Champagne – Assistant Director for Research Development, University of Pittsburgh
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Episode 16: Closing the Great Digital Divide Between Students and the University
One common theme rings true across the college and university strategic plans abound, “to provide a transformational student experience.” Suppose we put the student at the institution’s heart and consider the university a business with students as its, “customers.” The student experience should be a top priority for higher education leadership without question. And in this time of limited college experience, with declining enrollment, now is the time to connect with students on their terms. One way many institutions are bridging this gap is through the use of campus mobile apps.
In this podcast, “Closing the Great Digital Divide Between Students and the University.” Eric Hines, President, North America, at Ex Libris, leads a roundtable discussion with three institutional leaders: Mark Doughtery, Dean of Student Development at Tri-County Technical College in Pendleton, South Carolina, his colleague, Luke VanWingerden, CIO at Tri-County Technical College, and Sasi Pillay, Vice-President and CIO at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington.
Together they provide key insights on how campus mobile apps provide opportunities for interdepartmental collaboration and help bridge the digital divide between campus leaders and students.
Eric Hines – President, North America, Ex Libris
Sasi Pillay – Vice President and CIO, Washington State University
Mark Dougherty – Dean of Student Development, Tri-County Technical College
Luke VanWingerden – CIO, Tri-County Technical College
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