A dynamic and robust interlibrary loan and resource sharing experience
RapidILL was developed by library staff for academic libraries. Its goal is to provide tools and workflows to enhance your ability to provide material to your patrons.

Seamlessly integrates into your existing library workflows
RapidILL coexists and augments your local ILL management system to operate transparently behind the scenes. Your patrons receive their requested material faster using the same requesting mechanisms they are familiar with.

Effectively utilizes your library’s collections
Leverage RapidILL to simplify your local document delivery operations. RapidILL’s holdings options provides a myriad of ways to expose your collections to partner libraries.
See a full list of RapidILL pods and current members here.

Provides solutions for interlibrary collaboration
RapidILL was designed to maximize resource sharing engagement between libraries and consortial or library groups. The RapidILL system supports tiered and priority arrangements to ensure your library is working effectively with key partners.
11.2 H
1.5 M
Product Highlights

Turnaround time
Less-than-24-hour receipt of article and book chapter requests

Smart routing
Dynamic request routing using an algorithm that utilizes load-leveling and time zone awareness

Streamlined workflows
Automated processing to minimize staff time for request management

Delivery options
The RapidX delivery service supports all major ILL protocols and facilitates transmissions between libraries using different platforms

Pod structure and prioritization configurations enhance consortial and partner resource sharing agreements

Customer service
Industry leading support to maintain a high level of productivity

I am absolutely dumbfounded
by the speed with which my
requests were processed.
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Simply fill out the form below or contact us at sales@proquest.com and tel:1-877-779-6768.