Intelligent Ranking Technology
Provide the best results first. Search and ranking technology in Primo relies on a multitude of factors and parameters to understand the user’s intent. With Primo® ScholarRank® technology, several criteria are used to rank results: the degree to which an item matches a query, a value score representing an item’s academic significance, and the publication date of an item. Greater relevance is attributed to an item if the query terms occur in specific metadata fields of the item’s record, such as the author, title, and subject fields. Primo also evaluates other parameters such as proximity of search terms and search type (known item or topic search).

Personalized Ranking
Tailor patrons’ search results lists. Primo can apply information about a particular area of study to deliver a search results “boost” for materials related to that discipline. This feature will generate a different ranking of results for the same search according to the patron’s field of interest and is especially useful when queries are relevant to a variety of disciplines.

Adjusted Ranking for Local Collections
Gain greater flexibility and control of how you want your own local materials to be ranked in search results. Libraries can configure settings to boost certain metadata field weights. Another ranking adjustment option is available for those libraries choosing to blend search results from different data sources into a single results list: prioritizing results from one source when compared to another, if all other factors are equal.

Quality Assurance and Enhancement
Benefit from the latest technology. Ex Libris continuously enhances and optimizes Primo relevance ranking. Feel confident that the ranking technology driving your discovery service is continuously monitored, enhanced, and optimized. A variety of factors trigger improvements, such as search log analyses, user studies, customer feedback and input from the Primo customer community.