Standards-based and built on open technology
Voyager integrates and interoperates smoothly with existing library systems as well as with new technologies.

A stable long-term investment
Core technologies, standards, and language support have been carefully chosen to ensure that Voyager meets the ever-evolving needs of your library

Voyager client/server software supports the control of Web-based public access cataloging and authority control as well as acquisitions, serials, circulation and course reserves modules. Sophisticated reporting and system administration are all part of the out-of-the-box product offering.

Flexible server configuration
Accommodates your library’s current and future technology needs and handles a wide range of simultaneous users.
Product Highlights

Voyager can be customized by staff to provide the greatest efficiency

Designed to manage the collections of academic and research libraries

Voyager offers complete functionality to manage print and digital collections

Voyager supports MARC 21 and many other industry standards

Voyager is used in libraries of many sizes

Functionality can be enhanced through the use of open APIs
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