Think Global, Act Local
We are committed to “Think Global, Act Local.”
While all of our workflows, processes, and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are global and shared by all support teams in all regions, we work and communicate with our customers during their local business hours and are attentive to their specific configurations and needs.

Support Structure
We aim to support our customers in the most efficient and appropriate manner by fitting our support structure to customers’ needs for each product.
The majority of our products are supported using the “One Stop Shop” model, where all cases are handled directly by dedicated, skilled, and highly experienced global teams.
We also employ a tiered model where appropriate – Tier 1 staff are located in 18 countries, are familiar with multiple products, and can provide a first-level response as well as functional support. Our Tier 2 analysts are specialized in a specific product, and provide technical and in-depth support.

We are dedicated to ensuring a high level of satisfaction among our customers. Ex Libris measures customer satisfaction using a simple, one-click survey sent upon the closure of a support case. We also welcome written comments from our customers.

Knowledge is Power
We are a learning organization that promotes knowledge-sharing.
As part of our mission of knowledge-sharing and transparency, we have created the Customer Knowledge Center, where our customers and any other interested parties can find information on our products and services in a single, centralized location.
The Knowledge Center is a free site that contains up-to-date resources, including product documentation, user guides, how-to guides, support knowledge articles, training sessions, product offerings and features, and much more. Visit the site to learn more!