Ex Libris, Part of Clarivate, is excited to announce that we will be welcoming and hosting a special conversation with Dr. Safiya Noble, from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in an online talk on April 30 at 11:00 am EDT (New York) – “A Conversation with Dr. Safiya Noble: New challenges in DEI, Technology, and Libraries.”
This session will continue previous Ex Libris hosted discussions on how both data and algorithms can perpetuate social inequality within technology services, while also focusing on opportunities for individuals and organizations to prevent, identify, and address DEI concerns within library software solutions.
Allen Jones, Director of Digital Libraries & Technical Services at the New School Libraries, will contribute to the discussion by supplying the library perspective and Judith Fraenkel, Director of Product Management & DEI Strategy, at Ex Libris, will provide introductory remarks while moderating the session.
Here are the session details:
- Title: A Conversation with Dr. Safiya Noble: New challenges in DEI, Technology, and Libraries
- Date: Tuesday, April 30
- Time: 11:00 am EDT (New York) | 4:00 pm GMT+1 (London)
- Registration: here
This session is aligned with Ex Libris continuing close knit collaboration with its customer community through the ELUNA DEIA in Advisory Group. This collaboration has put forward several enhancements across several services, notably Alma, Primo, Rialto, and Leganto, focused on basic principles/concerns about trust, transparency, and bias in library data and services.
Register today and learn more about our keynote speaker, Dr. Safiya U. Noble, at https://safiyaunoble.com/.