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Why I Love My Job – Confessions of an Ex Libris Librarian


July 16, 2018 | 1 min read |

Lili Daie         Lili Daie, Ex Libris

Once in a while, there are moments that make me really love my job as an Alma implementation consultant here at Ex Libris.

A random example: I googled something about Alma and stumbled across this awesome poster describing collection weeding and reviving (created, in part, using Alma for usage stats) in terms of dialogue from Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Yes, yes, I discovered this three years late. So what! Nothing today will wipe the stupid grin off my face.

Bring Out Your Dead Poster screenshot


It’s not just that the poster is hilarious (although it certainly is). It’s not just that it gives me an excuse to show all my colleagues scenes from Holy Grail (best workday ever!). Librarians are my people in general, and librarians that love Monty Python are my brothers and sisters—these moments remind me how much I like being a part of this global community of knowledge (and pop-culture references!), whether I work at a library or provide support (technical, moral, or otherwise) to other librarians.

And hey, all those people who said I wasted hours reading and watching anything I could get my hands on—what do you know, I’ve been working on my customer communications skills! Ha!
