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2025 Primo Roadmap Highlights
Join us for an exclusive overview of the Primo roadmap for 2025. We’ll highlight key initiatives, introduce exciting new developments, and share how these plans will continue to en...
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Summon Q1 Roadmap webinar
Join us for an exclusive overview of the Summon roadmap for 2025.
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Ex Libris Provider Relations 2025 Roadmap: Enhancing Content...
Learn about Ex Libris' Provider Relations key initiatives for enhancing collaboration with content providers in 2025.
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Basics of Summon and 360 Services – Introduction and E...
This session will review your discovery services, like Summon and 360 Link, explain how to access the Client Center and add accounts, increase your understanding of the 360 Knowled...
![Group of college students look at a computer monitor in a college library](
30 Jan 2025
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Open new doors to your digital collections with Specto
Meet Specto, the platform powered by Academic AI that integrates all stages of digital collection management - from cataloging to discovery and preservation. This session provides ...
04 Feb 2025
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Open new doors to your digital collections with Specto
Meet Specto, the platform powered by Academic AI that integrates all stages of digital collection management - from cataloguing to discovery and preservation. This session will pro...
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Basics of Summon and 360 Services – Customize Discover...
This session will include demonstrations of how to customize your discovery services (Summon, 360 Link, and E-Journal Portal), how to use the business-intelligence tools (usage sta...
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Introduction to Resource Sharing: Resource Sharing Fundament...
This session will provide an overview of Resource Sharing in Alma, including an introduction to different methods of Resource Sharing. Basic configurations will also be introduced....
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Introduction to Resource Sharing: Peer-to-Peer Resource Shar...
This session will cover configurations related to peer-to-peer Resource Sharing in Alma. Both borrowing and lending workflows will be covered.
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Introduction to Resource Sharing: Automated Fulfillment Netw...
This session will cover configurations related to Automated Fulfillment Networks in Alma. Note that this session is most relevant to institutions that are part of a consortium.