Ex Libris webinars- Explore the World of Ex Libris Welcome to our extensive collection of knowledge-building webinars. Feel free to take a self-guided tour, learn all about our products, get some in-depth training, or just brush up on your skills.
July, 2022. In this session we will reflect on current gaps in the research workflow and highlight key areas that require the attention of libraries, vendors, and industry organiz...
How a good UX makes library users and staff more productive ...
June, 2022. Library users and staff have differing abilities, goals, and environments when using online research services, systems and learning resources. How do digital product de...
June, 2022. Join us live and hear from your fellow librarians that have increased engagement with faculty, staff and students by delivering personalized mobile experiences.
Now or never? The library’s critical role in supportin...
June, 2022. Over the past several decades the library’s position in the wider scholarly landscape has exploded into realms like data preservation, e-resource management, and increa...
ACRL webinar- Research Information Management: Library Roles...
June, 2022. Research Information Management (RIM) practices at US teaching and research institutions. With a growing adoption of RIM by US research universities, academic libraries...
Ex Libris Knowledge Days – Primo VE: Recent developmen...
June, 2022. This sessions was delivered by Jenny Draeger as part of the "2022 Knowledge Days Webinar Series". The video includes demonstrations of featured developments in Primo VE...