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Introduction to Resource Sharing: Peer-to-Peer Resource Shar...
This session will cover configurations related to peer-to-peer Resource Sharing in Alma. Both borrowing and lending workflows will be covered.
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Introduction to Resource Sharing: Automated Fulfillment Netw...
This session will cover configurations related to Automated Fulfillment Networks in Alma. Note that this session is most relevant to institutions that are part of a consortium.
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Introduction to Resource Sharing: Broker-based (NCIP) Resour...
This session will cover configurations and workflows related to NCIP broker-based (e.g., ILLiad) Resource Sharing.
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Managing Electronic Resources ERM-101 Overview and Backgroun...
This session focuses on Alma's inventory model and terminology for e-resources, types of electronic portfolios, and user roles for managing e-resources
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Managing Electronic Resources ERM-102 Order and Activate Col...
This session focuses on general ordering and activation workflow, order one-time collection from Community Zone, order subscription collection from Community Zone, activate collect...
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Managing Electronic Resources ERM-103 Order and Activate Por...
This session focuses on review exercises, general ordering and activating workflow, order subscription portfolio from Community Zone, activate single portfolio, view activated reso...
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Managing Electronic Resources ERM-201 Maintain E-Resources
This session focuses on review exercises, bulk changes to portfolios, portfolio editor, update selective packages, portfolio loader, import profile, and deactivate or delete resour...
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Managing Electronic Resources ERM-202 Troubleshoot Discovery
This session will contain a step-by-step process to troubleshoot linking issues in your discovery service, to see how the following sources can cause broken links: inactive service...
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Managing Electronic Resources ERM-203 Overlap Analysis
This session focuses on review exercises, purpose and use-cases, compare a CZ collection to all of IZ, compare an IZ collection to all of IZ, and compare a list of titles to all of...
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Managing Electronic Resources ERM-301 Usage Statistics, COUN...
This session focuses on review exercises, background on usage statistics, upload COUNTER reports, and set up SUSHI harvesting