November 1, 2007
Jerusalem, Israel
In just one year, worldwide SFX customer base increased by 50%—from 1,000 to 1,500 sites
Ex Libris Group is pleased to announce that the Kyung Hee University, in Seoul, South Korea, is the company’s 1500th SFX® link resolver customer. This major Ex Libris milestone reinforces the position of SFX as the most widely used link resolver and the linking solution of choice for libraries worldwide.
Informed of the honor bestowed on Kyung Hee University as the 1500th SFX customer, Mr. Il Won Hwang, librarian at the University Central Library, observed: “The electronic revolution is changing information choice and use patterns. Librarians are facing a dramatic change in the way people find and use information resources. Electronic access to collections of e-journals has become an important and commonly accepted tool for scholars and researchers. In this context, the SFX link resolver is an epoch-making tool offering an exciting alternative to, and an expansion of, traditional research tools. We are confident that various access points to online resources and offered by SFX will enhance the satisfaction of our library customers.”
_x000D_SFX interconnects library-controlled resources and services, providing users with context-sensitive links to services defined by the library on the basis of the institution’s e?collections and policies. These dynamically created services can include links to various types of targets: the full text of an article; the institution’s online public access catalog (OPAC) for local holdings; preferred document-delivery suppliers; related Web-based resources and services; and local information repositories. Whether hosted by the library itself or delivered as an Ex Libris software service, SFX provides a complete set of tools for easily localizing and customizing access to resources, keeping them up to date, and tracking their usage.
_x000D_“Ex Libris is pleased to honor Kyung Hee University—our 1500th SFX customer—and welcome the university to the SFX user community,” commented Nettie Lagace, product director for SFX at Ex Libris. “We take pride in the close collaborative relationship that Ex Libris enjoys with its ever-expanding group of SFX customers, which has grown by 50% in a year’s time. Our joint work has been one of the chief factors in ensuring that SFX functionality and services make it such an important part of the library experience of millions of end users around the globe.”
_x000D_“The response to SFX and the Ex Libris MetaLib® gateway and metasearch system in the Asian market has been extremely warm,” explains Oded Scharfstein, VP Asia Pacific at Ex Libris. “During 2007, the Asian SFX customer base has increased by 60%. Recent additions include Keio University in Japan; Seoul National University and Korea University in South Korea; and the State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Institute of Medical Information in China.”
_x000D_About Ex Libris Group:
Ex Libris Group is a leading worldwide developer and provider of high-performance applications for libraries, information centers, and researchers, with installations around the globe. Ex Libris Group’s flagship ALEPH® 500 and Voyager® integrated library solutions are in use at over 3,000 sites worldwide. Other products from the Ex Libris suite, deployed at more than 1,300 sites, focus on the digital library and offer state-of-the-art, user-centric solutions for managing electronic resources and digital assets and providing informed access to them.