August 17, 2005
Cologne, Germany
Ex Libris (Germany) is pleased to announce that hbz, the University Library Center of Germanys largest state (Hochschulbibliothekszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen), has recently entered into a contract with Ex Libris for the licensing and implementation of the newest version of the Companys digital asset management system – DigiTool 3.0, as the central repository for libraries and institutions that are members of the hbz consortium.
Of critical importance in hbzs selection of DigiTool were the facts that this system follows the basic principles of the OAIS model (Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System) and is flexible and scalable, allowing it to function in a consortial environment.
DigiTool version 3.0, will allow hbz to realize new digitization projects as well as management and dissemination of academic publications in electronic formats.
At hbz, DigiTool will operate in conjunction with the ALEPH 500™ Integrated Library system. This integrated solution will enable patrons to search for digitized tables of contents, cataloged in the ALEPH 500 system, from the OPAC of any consortia member. This digitized content is actually stored, managed and delivered from the central DigiTool repository.
About hbz:
Based in Cologne, Germany, the hbz functions as a central development and service body for university, college and specialized libraries, as well as data processing centers in and out of the state of Northrhine-Westfalia.
For additional information on hbz, please see:
About DigiTool:
DigiTool version 3 is an enterprise solution for the management of digital assets in libraries and academic environments. Version 3.0 is a major release that introduces new functionality in all aspects of the product and boasts innovative and comprehensive workflows for building institutional repositories, preserving their content, and allowing for its exploration. By facilitating the integration of digital collections with institutional portals and e-learning systems, institutions running DigiTool are able to provide users with a seamless working environment.
About Ex Libris:
Ex Libris is a leading worldwide developer of high-performance applications for libraries, information centers, and researchers. A multinational company, Ex Libris has offices around the world. ALEPH, the Ex Libris integrated library solution, has been installed at over 1250 sites in 51 countries. MetaLib®, the information portal for library collections, and SFX®, the context-sensitive linking solution for heterogeneous electronic resources in the scholarly information environment, have been purchased by more than 830 customers in 36 countries. The DigiTool solution for constructing digital collections and Verde, the new electronic resource management (ERM) system, round out the Ex Libris product suite.