Chicago, Illinois — February 22, 2018
With its robust analytics and cloud-based resource management, the Ex Libris solution, along with The University’s Ex Libris Summon service, will improve the patron and staff experience
Chicago, Illinois—February 22, 2018. Ex Libris®, a ProQuest company, is pleased to announce that the University of Texas of the Permian Basin (UTPB) has selected the Ex Libris Alma® library services platform to integrate with the university’s Ex Libris Summon® discovery and delivery service. This decision comes as an increasing number of libraries in the University of Texas system elect to use the Alma platform, making it easier for the consortium to work with a standardized and proven technology infrastructure. The Alma-Summon combination will provide strong synergy between the back-office management of resources and patron-facing discovery of, and access to, scholarly resources needed for learning, teaching, and research. The Alma platform will replace the school’s Innovative Interfaces Sierra integrated library system.

By streamlining the management of electronic and print resources, UTPB plans to raise staff productivity significantly, improve workflows, and optimize resource use by applying data received through Alma analytics.
By streamlining the management of electronic and print resources, UTPB plans to raise staff productivity significantly, improve workflows, and optimize resource use by applying data received through Alma analytics. The University also anticipates greater sharing across campus-wide systems, enabling them to connect to student management and bursar systems, among others. Taking advantage of the Ex Libris open-platform philosophy, the library will be able to connect to other university systems via APIs, collaborate with other libraries via consortial networks, and benefit from extensions contributed by an energetic customer base.
In its evaluation of products that met UTPB’s selection requirements, the University noted the Alma platform’s core functionality, interoperability, and easy integration with Summon discovery.
“We are thrilled to be working with the University of Texas of the Permian Basin and are excited that the Alma platform will empower the library to become a cutting-edge center of educational and collaborative services,” said Eric Hines, president of Ex Libris North America. “We are also pleased to witness the growing trend of Summon libraries implementing Alma, and we see great potential for Alma services in the realm of future research and scholarly communication.”
About the University of Texas at Permian Basin University
Surrounded by one of the largest oilfields in the country, the University of Texas of the Permian Basin is home to over 7,000 students and 250 faculty members. Located in Odessa, Texas, the University sits at the epicenter of a region whose economic growth and technological advancements have global significance. With 35 undergraduate and 18 graduate programs of study, the University consistently ranks among the top five Texas public universities for the number of students employed or accepted into graduate or professional school one year after graduation. For more information on the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, see
About Ex Libris
Ex Libris, a ProQuest company, is a leading global provider of cloud-based solutions for higher education. Offering SaaS solutions for the management and discovery of the full spectrum of library and scholarly materials, as well as mobile campus solutions driving student engagement and success, Ex Libris serves thousands of customers in 90 countries. For more information about Ex Libris, see our website, and join us on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter.