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May 13, 2024

It’s an exciting time to be working in libraries today, as new innovative services are coming to market and the community itself is becoming stronger. This will be the focus of the annual gathering of Ex Libris users in North America from May 13 to May 17. During this event the customer community will grow closer together, while Ex Libris will introduce and showcase new services and enhancements that will deliver positive impact to libraries, library staff and patrons.


Ex Libris will share the stage alongside its member community during the ELUNA 2024 Annual Meeting, from May 15 to May 17, and is the event’s flagship sponsor. Its staff will participate in over 50 sessions during the user event, discussing a range of topics and solutions that are critical to library success today and into the future. These sessions will cover the Ex Libris broad portfolio of library services that span across diverse authoritative, multi-disciplinary content & data, analytical and workflow solutions.


Attendees will be energized and excited about all the knowledge they will acquire during the Ex Libris plenary and breakout sessions. They’ll be captivated by discussion around new services, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Linked Open Data, and enhancements across all Ex Libris integrated library system solutions. They’ll see how Ex Libris is in constant innovation mode to optimize library management, research, teaching and learning across the entire higher education ecosystem – and enhancing customer experiences with training, support, and professional services.


Prior to the general user meeting Ex Libris staff members will deliver Knowledge Days – a training program featuring over 25 sessions focused on ensuring Ex Libris users are knowledgeable about and optimizing its flagship services, Alma library management system, and Primo library discovery service, and analytics capabilities. A special area will also be available throughout the week to ensure customers can ask questions and receive product-level support.


It’s going to be a fun week!


Of course, whether you are going to Minneapolis or not, we encourage you to follow it all through the Ex Libris LinkedIn or Ex Libris X channels. Contact us if you want to receive detailed information about a particular service or discuss what happened during the week.

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