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March 06, 2024

We are proud to announce that CSUC is joining the Rapido and RapidILL community. As the custodian of the region’s intellectual heritage, the Catalan National Library institution is a treasure chest for researchers, scholars, and avid readers. Its extensive collection includes books, manuscripts, and periodicals that shed light on Catalunya’s rich history, culture, and literature. 

“Embarking on the implementation journey of the Rapido/RapidILL solution from Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, is both a challenging and rewarding endeavour. Rapido/RapidILL, promises to modernize our current consortial borrowing service, which supports 14 academic institutions across Catalunya. With its swift adoption by both staff and users, Rapido/RapidILL promises to elevate efficiency and reliability while opening doors for potential usage by researchers beyond the Alma community. This endeavour lays the groundwork for the future of interlibrary loan services both within and outside our region." Mrs. Olga Lanau, General Director at the Consortium of University Services in Catalunya (CSUC)

We are eager to begin this journey together and see how this partnership will enhance research and collaboration in Catalunya and beyond. 






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