In this customer spotlight, Dale Poulter, Director of Library Technology and Digital Services at Vanderbilt University, discusses how Vanderbilt leverages the tight integration of Alma with Primo to enhance the user experience and streamline library operations.
A long-time user of Primo library discovery service, Vanderbilt recently launched Alma as their back-end solution to strengthen their ability to collect information, make this information searchable for their users, and ensure access to it. The unified experience of Primo with Alma delivers a more effective single-access point for Vanderbilt library patrons to search across the library’s electronic, digital, and print resources, making digital resource management more accessible and efficient. Users are benefiting from real-time record updates, a single user account interface, and many other valuable user features to improve their resource discovery.
Beyond highlighting how Primo and Alma work in concert at Vanderbilt to improve resource discovery, Poulter discusses how Alma has delivered significant workflow efficiencies. Not only does the Alma library management system simplify print and electronic management, but it also allows staff to leverage a familiar interface to administer both discovery and resource management services. Alma also allows better integration with other campus systems.
Interested in seeing how Primo and Alma work together?
Simply contact us to learn more about how you can benefit from the tight integration of Alma and Primo.
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