ALEPH Polska Ltd., the exclusive distributor of Ex Libris solutions in Poland, announced today that the Lublin Virtual Library has selected a suite of Ex Libris solutions including the Primo® discovery and delivery solution and the SFX® OpenURL link resolver.
Lublin Virtual Library is a consortial project of seven libraries and cultural institutions in the Lublin region of Poland that are collaborating closely to digitize their collections. The project will also create a platform which will help to facilitate access to the collections as well as delivering information about traditional materials available at the public and university libraries in the region.
Ex Libris Primo will provide separate views for all of the member institutions via a single interface for all digital, physical, and electronic assets. The implementation will integrate Primo and SFX with multiple existing systems used by the consortia, including the VTLS Virtua integrated library system, local systems, and (digital asset management systems (DAMS).
Artur Ściborek, the Project Manager at the Lublin Virtual Library, told us, that they are looking forward to providing their users with an easy and intuitive access to the regional cultural assets with Primo. “We are convinced that the experience and professional competence of both Ex Libris and ALEPH Polska’s implementation teams are an assurance of successful delivery on time and within budget.”
I also spoke with Maciej Dziubecki, CEO of ALEPH Polska, who remarked that “the adoption of Primo and SFX is a great opportunity for Lublin province to have access to all of the region’s cultural assets using one system. As well as being easy-to-use for non-professional library users, Primo meets the needs of researchers and other advanced users. By offering Primo, the consortium will make many valuable assets visible to the public and will also promote the province of Lublin.”
We are looking forward to working with this prestigious consortium and welcome the expansion of the Polish Primo customer base, following the successful recent launch of Primo at at other institutions in Poland.
The agreement to adopt Ex Libris solutions comes as part of the EU-funded Regional Operational Programme in the Lublin province.