Ex Libris webinars- Explore the World of Ex Libris Welcome to our extensive collection of knowledge-building webinars. Feel free to take a self-guided tour, learn all about our products, get some in-depth training, or just brush up on your skills.
Unify and Streamline Library Resource Management with Alma
August, 2022. In this session you’ll learn how unifying management of all library resources and streamlining workflows reduces time spent on low-value tasks. You’ll gain insight in...
Increase Student Engagement: Active Learning with Leganto
July, 2022. In this webinar, learn how you can provide an excellent patron experience, collaborate and communicate across campus and support your university’s mission reliably and ...
Open Systems in the Age of Library Services Platforms: A Con...
July, 2022. This session will feature an in-depth discussion with Breeding where he’ll provide attendees with greater insight into the different approaches to achieve openness in l...