As some of you already know, this week we launched the bX scholarly article recommender service in a public beta mode. Those Ex Libris customers attending the ELUNA user group meeting in Richmond this week may already have seen one of the bX demos and share the sentiments of one twitterer who, after seeing a demo described bX as ”It’s Amazon meets JSTOR”, and further urged others to see this in their comment ”Definitely worth checking out.” This follows the recent posting to the SFX listserv by David Walker of CalState libraries ” The new bX service has a real potential to be the next killer app — SFX was the last killer app, in case you were wondering ;-)” We at Ex Libris are really excited about this, and look forward to many libraries joining the bX community.
For the past several months we have been working with twenty prestigious institutions from around the world that have contributed their SFX usage logs and have worked with us in the testing and further development of this service. This really cool service is now available to all libraries everywhere.
To find out more about the bX service and to subscribe to bX, visit the Ex Libris Web site. Current SFX users can subscribe online via SFXAdmin.