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June 27, 2024

An exciting newly designed Summon webpage is on the Ex Libris website

We're excited to announce the launch of our newly designed Summon webpage, offering an enhanced user experience and a fresh, modern look!

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June 19, 2024

Ex Libris Launches a Beta Program of Generative AI Powered Primo Research Assistant

Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, has launched the beta program for Primo Research Assistant and Summon Research Assistant, which use generative AI to enhance library searches. These tools leverage a RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) architecture and the Ex Libris Central Discovery Index to provide semantic search, source referencing, and more. The beta encompasses 18 institutions across 10 countries, representing diverse cultural and language backgrounds. The tool utilizes the Clarivate Academic AI platform, ensuring a secure environment for deploying Large Language Models (LLMs).

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February 21, 2023

Three More Content Providers Supporting Ex Libris Quicklinks

The addition of American Society for Microbiology, Edinburgh University Press, and INFORMS, brings the total number of Quicklinks supporting providers up to thirty-one.

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January 12, 2023

Three Additional Content Providers Supporting Ex Libris Quick links

Ex Libris has collaborated with three new content providers to support Quicklinks.

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October 05, 2021

Twenty-five content providers now support Ex Libris Quicklinks

Ex Libris continues to collaborate with content providers to take user convenience and linking to a new level through Quicklinks.

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