by Ofer Mosseri
We’re so very excited that we will be able to meet face to face again, after three long and challenging years of seeing each other only on computer screens.
Looking back over the many years of collaboration with the wonderful Ex Libris community, we’re reminded of the first Ex Libris/community conference in 1990 – held at CERN in Switzerland and organized by the brand-new International Consortium of Aleph Users (ICAU), founded in same year.
30+ years later, the two major user groups, IGeLU and ELUNA, as well as the whole Ex Libris community, now numbering thousands of institutions in all continents, continue to thrive and to demonstrate exceptional innovation in using our solutions and in collaborating with us.
We’ve missed you. We’ve missed seeing you face to face, enjoying live interactions, a cup of coffee together during one of the breaks, spontaneous meetings, and enjoyable dinners filled with laughs.
We hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us in person. We would love to hear from you about all the great things that you have done with our products, and, of course, to share with you our exiting new and plans for the coming years.