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Implementing Alma at the University of Sheffield


July 15, 2014 | 1 min read |

Andy Bussey, Head of Digital Services, talks about the University’s experiences implementing and working with Alma.

At the ‘Embrace the Future of the Library’ event in London, we were pleased to be joined by Andy Bussey, who told us about the Alma project at the University of Sheffield.

Wanting to move from their legacy system to a solution which offers integrated workflows, modern architecture and technologies and is truly cloud-based, Sheffield decided to join the Alma Early Adopter Programme in 2011. Having worked with Alma for over a year, Andy reflects on the decision making and implementation process and the benefits the Library is reaping as a result of their move to Alma.

Those of you who were unable to join us in London can now watch Andy’s presentation.

Watch out for more videos from ‘Embrace the Future of the Library’ in the coming weeks for more customers’ stories of their experience with Alma.
