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NTU Library Adopts Ex Libris Alma Primo bX Leganto

November 20, 2018

NTU Library Adopts Ex Libris Alma, Primo, bX, and Leganto Solutions

Ex Libris solutions will enhance research, teaching, and learning at the world’s top young university

SLSP chooses Alma and Primo

October 10, 2018

Swiss Library Service Platform to Base New National Library Services on Ex Libris Alma Platform and Primo Solution

The new platform will enable academic libraries across Switzerland to collaborate, improve services and efficiencies, reduce silos, and eliminate duplication of effort

LIUC chooses Alma Primo Leganto

October 9, 2018

LIUC – Università Cattaneo Opts to Move to Ex Libris Alma, Primo, and Leganto to Improve E-Resource Access

The adoption of Ex Libris Alma, Primo, and Leganto will improve access to e‑resources and enhance the research, teaching, and learning experience

University of Leeds Chooses Alma and Primo

September 6, 2018

University of Leeds Will Use Ex Libris Alma Library Services Platform and Primo Discovery Solution to Improve Efficiency and Decision-Making 

The Alma platform will help the university meet its strategic goals of managing collections more effectively and ensuring operational efficiency

August 30, 2018

New Zealand’s Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Chooses Ex Libris Alma Library Services Platform and Primo Discovery Solution

The next-generation Alma and Primo services will move the library into a new era of resource management and discovery

UCM Selects Alma and Primo

August 15, 2018

University of Central Missouri Selects Ex Libris Alma Library Services Platform and Primo Discovery Solution

UCM has adopted Alma and Primo to satisfy the growing need for user access to electronic information for teaching, learning, and research

University of Sydney Alma & Primo

August 14, 2018

University of Sydney Selects Ex Libris Alma and Primo

The new solutions will facilitate resource management and provide robust discovery capabilities for students, researchers, and instructors

Primo Studio

July 31, 2018

Primo Studio Tool Tops Set of New Enhancements for Ex Libris Primo

Primo enhancements expand customization options, collaboration, and resource discovery options