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The Library’s Buzz


June 28, 2016 | 4 min read |

Dani Guzman, Product Marketing Director, Ex Libris

This month, the Library Buzz brings you several very interesting and in-depth reports on the interplay between technology, libraries, academia and innovation. In a new paper, thought-leading analyst Marshall Breeding provides a comprehensive look at the latest technological trends in today’s library. While the American Library Association, looking at the modern library from the flip side, released a study on the role libraries can play in entrepreneurial success. Presenting a related perspective on how libraries are evolving, the ITHAKA organization’s latest report details the real-world research practices of UK academics. Drilling down further, an article in the Scholarly Kitchen presents options for preserving the viability of specialist research writing in an academic environment pushing for more open access. And since we are looking at the integration of tech trends, we top it off with a little philosophical musing on the use of emoji.
One of the most well-known independent analysts in our industry, library technology consultant Marshall Breeding, published a new conference paper this month ahead of the 82nd IFLA World Library and Information Congress (13–19 August 2016 in Columbus, Ohio). In this paper, he explores the role of technology in the success of libraries faced with both increasing service demands and limited funding. “[M]ost procurements of new systems in academic libraries result in the selection of a library services platform,” Breeding notes, “with Ex Libris Alma currently seeing strong popularity.” Read the full paper here >>>
A new report by the American Library Association (ALA) highlights how the resources of public and academic libraries have been – and can yet be – put to use by entrepreneurs throughout the lifecycle of their business initiatives. Whether providing guidance on writing a business plan, market analysis, or product prototyping, according to the ALA paper, libraries of all types need to be leveraged “to further advance the innovation economy.” Read the full paper here >>>
Ithaka S+R, a strategic consulting project of the ITHAKA academia-focused nonprofit, partnered with Jisc and Research Libraries UK (RLUK) for their second comprehensive survey of the real-world attitudes and behavior of UK-based academics. The study, drawing on responses from over 6,600 people, looked at how research, discovery and data management is adjusting to the latest technological changes. Among the noted results was an increase “in the importance that academics assign to the service-based roles of the library….” Read the full report here >>>
Monographs – academic specialist works – form a backbone of advancing research, especially in the humanities. In the Scholarly Kitchen, digital media management consultant Joseph Esposito lays out his view of “the all-important matter of sustainability” when it comes to open access monograph publication. In this regard, Esposito presents three possible options for how open access monographs might earn enough money to allow their continued publication, as well as addressing the question of reducing the costs of their publication. Read more >>>


Michael Stephens, Assistant Professor at the School of Information at San Jose State University in California, wonders if the increasing use of emoji in everyday communication might be an evolution of language. For the modern library, he imagines a day when patrons could use emoji to express their feelings about a book or to rate a library program. “Talk about making feedback more fun!” Stephens comments. Read more >>>

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